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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Peclet number for hydrodynamic flow of metabolites outside Volvox carteri Volvox carteri 100-300 unitless 100665 Solari CA, Ganguly S...
Number of nonflagellated, reproductive cells Volvox carteri 16 cells/colony 100677 Nedelcu AM, Michod RE....
Number of non-reproducing, biflagellated somatic cells Volvox carteri 2000 cells/colony 100676 Nedelcu AM, Michod RE....
Peclet number of sugars in plant cells Plants 1 unitless 108686 Kaare H. Jensen & Maciej...
Number of distinctive cell types in most highly differentiated pre-Ediacaran eukaryote (before 635–542 Mya) Valkyria spp. ≥6 distinctive cell types 113588 Butterfield NJ, Macr...
Number of colonies contributing drones to drone congregation areas (DCAs) Bee Apis mellifera 200 Colonies 106786 Jaffé R, Dietemann V...
Bulk methylation statistics for the chloroplast genome of indicated organisms Eukaryotes Table - link % 113194 Zemach A, McDaniel IE...
Bulk methylation statistics for the mitochondrial genome of indicated organisms Eukaryotes Table - link % 113193 Zemach A, McDaniel IE...
Bulk methylation statistics for the nuclear genome of indicated organisms Eukaryotes Table - link % 113192 Zemach A, McDaniel IE...
Number of proteins in various plants Plants Table - link N/A 105987 Weiche and Lang et. al...
Plant size, gametophyte size, number of cell and gametophytic cell types, tissue and genomic info for several species Plants Excel Table - link N/A 105322 Weiche and Lang et. al...
Number and total amount (in kilobases) of NUPTs and NUMTs in the available nuclear genome sequences from plastid-harboring eukaryotes Eukaryotes Table - link N/A 112652 Smith DR, Crosby K, Lee...
Organelle DNA sequences (including their lengths (genome size), GenBank accession numbers, and noncoding DNA contents) Eukaryotes Table - link N/A 112653 Smith DR, Crosby K, Lee...
Nuclear DNA content, cell volume and minimum doubling time Eukaryotes Table - link N/A 110491 B. J. Shuter, J. E. Thomas...